In a lot of entrepreneurial training programs and courses, there are always examples of people who studied the same material and find success faster. Some of them may have even started at the same time as you or had less resources than you.
Do you feel like everyone except you is making money
This used to drive me crazy! I was in coaching programs and bought several courses at the same time as other people who were less qualified than myself. However, the results I would get were drastically different. In most cases, I was struggling while others with less qualifications were thriving.
In a lot of cases, I was more skilled, had more time, and was bolder than the others but, I was making less money and progress. This used to crush my confidence and make me doubt myself as an entrepreneur.
In a lot of cases, I was more skilled, had more time, and was bolder than the others but, I was making less money and progress. This used to crush my confidence and make me doubt myself as an entrepreneur.
Change How You See Others Ahead Of You
When I would see others make more than me I would tell myself things like; “they just had It easier”, “they're single and get to keep all their profits”, “They just got lucky” “They didn’t have any trauma to deal with” and many other negative statements.
These things I would tell myself were actually true. Some people did have certain advantages over me in the form of: lower living expenses, healthy minds, and more money to start with, and some of them were divinely blessed.
The biggest mistake I made was looking at this information from a mindset of lack rather than a mindset of abundance.
I would feel jealous that others were doing better and insecure in my abilities to be successful.
When I started looking at this differently I started making more progress at a faster rate. My change in mindset allowed me to properly implement professional advice and learn from the other entrepreneurs ahead of me.
These things I would tell myself were actually true. Some people did have certain advantages over me in the form of: lower living expenses, healthy minds, and more money to start with, and some of them were divinely blessed.
The biggest mistake I made was looking at this information from a mindset of lack rather than a mindset of abundance.
I would feel jealous that others were doing better and insecure in my abilities to be successful.
When I started looking at this differently I started making more progress at a faster rate. My change in mindset allowed me to properly implement professional advice and learn from the other entrepreneurs ahead of me.
You are On Your Own Journey To Success
Instead of feeling jealous and insecure about others having more success, I started feeling grateful that I have access to people doing it better.
I started gaining more confidence in my own abilities and my results started getting better. I’ve even myself doing some things better and catching up to entrepreneurs ahead of me.
I started gaining more confidence in my own abilities and my results started getting better. I’ve even myself doing some things better and catching up to entrepreneurs ahead of me.